AWS Cognito vs. Azure Active Directory

November 05, 2021

AWS Cognito vs. Azure AD

When it comes to cloud hosting, identity and access management (IAM) is crucial for security and user experience. AWS Cognito and Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) are two identity solutions that can help you manage your user pool and secure your cloud-based applications.

But which one should you choose? Let's take a closer look at AWS Cognito vs. Azure AD.

User Management and Authentication

AWS Cognito and Azure AD both provide user management and authentication capabilities. AWS Cognito is mainly focused on providing user sign-up, sign-in, and access control. Azure AD, on the other hand, offers broader capabilities, including multi-factor authentication, device management, and role-based access control.

In terms of pricing, both solutions offer free tiers, with AWS Cognito allowing up to 50,000 monthly active users for free, and Azure AD allowing up to 50,000 user accounts for free.

Integration and Compatibility

When it comes to integration, AWS Cognito is more native to the AWS ecosystem, meaning it easily integrates with other AWS services, such as AWS Lambda, API Gateway, and CloudFront. On the other hand, Azure AD is more compatible with Microsoft-related services, such as Office 365 and Dynamics 365.

Performance and Scalability

In terms of performance and scalability, both solutions are highly scalable and performant. AWS Cognito can handle thousands of requests per second, while Azure AD can handle millions of authentications per day.

When it comes to user experience, both solutions provide user-friendly sign-up and sign-in screens. AWS Cognito allows you to customize the look and feel of the authentication screens, while Azure AD allows you to customize the login portal with your company's branding.


In conclusion, AWS Cognito and Azure AD are both great solutions for cloud-based IAM. The choice between the two depends on your specific use-case and requirements. If you're mainly using AWS services, AWS Cognito might be the better choice for you. If you're using Microsoft-related services, Azure AD might be the more compatible option.

No matter which solution you choose, make sure to carefully consider the capabilities, pricing, and integration options, to ensure that you're fully leveraging the power of cloud-based IAM.


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